Graduating Senior Spotlight #3: Jackie Rivard
This week in our graduating senior spotlights I was able to interview Jackie Rivard. Jackie began dancing at FOCUS in the sixth grade, and has been with us ever since. She currently competes in jazz and contemporary here, though she also trains in ballet, musical theatre, and lyrical.
We are so proud of everything Jackie has overcome, and have loved being a part of her dance journey.
To give Jackie the opportunity to share some of her memories, advice, and favorite times at FOCUS with you all before she ventures onto the next journey, I got the amazing opportunity to interview her.
FOCUS Memories
To start off our interview, I asked Jackie what one of her favorite FOCUS memories was.
Like many, Jackie looked fondly upon the color spirit rally from last year. Our competition dancers work so hard, and it is always fun to celebrate their achievements before heading into Nationals.
One of her funniest memories from the rally last year was when she and members of her spirit team whistled along to some of the dances as they were practicing. I personally love hearing these kinds of stories, and it really shows how bonded and fun our competition dancers can be.
Pictured above is a snapshot of one of Jackie’s dances last year: “right where you left me.” This piece by FOCUS’s own Shannon Willard is absolutely stunning, and I highly recommend clicking this link to watch the full thing.
Looking to the Future + Closing Thoughts
Next year, Jackie will be attending the University of Colorado Boulder, and is thinking about studying political science. Currently, Jackie is recovering from an ACL tear, but hopes to continue her dance journey by auditioning for the dance team there her sophomore year.
As a person, Jackie told me that FOCUS has taught her how to properly manage her time, and how to make and stick to commitments. She additionally mentioned how FOCUS has really allowed her to learn what it means to be a part of a team.
To any younger dancers reading, Jackie’s biggest piece of advice is:
“Don’t take anything for granted; Do the most you can now because your future is uncertain.”
We are so so proud of Jackie and cannot wait to see all of the amazing things that she will accomplish in the years to come. Congratulations to the class of 2023!