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FOCUS Talk 02.05.2025 Issue 120
February Promos, News, Meet the Faculty, Student of the Month & More! Read More...

FOCUS Talk 08.17.2023 Issue 84
Our understanding of the far-reaching benefits dance provides in supporting school success gives us the ability to take full advantage of this art/sport. Knowing how dance can help transition us into the school year gives us a secret weapon in achieving greater successes in academics. Read More...

FOCUS Talk 08.04.2023 Issue 83
Whether the plan is to become a professional dancer, a pilates instructor, run a dance program at a university, or become a doctor, lawyer, scientist etc., emotional and confidence development is key to any type of career, and dance and fitness helps to develop those skills. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 07.20.2023 Issue 82
Whether the plan is to become a professional dancer, a pilates instructor, run a dance program at a university, or become a doctor, lawyer, scientist etc., emotional and confidence development is key to any type of career, and dance and fitness helps to develop those skills. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 07.06.2023 Issue 81
I know it is hard to believe, but YES Football players and many other athletes take ballet and dance. Ballet and Dance are well known by athletes to improve balance, flexibility, muscle strength, coordination, agility, stamina and more. Read More...

FOCUS Talk 06.22.2023 Issue 80
People build bonds with others in their community when they join a dance studio. The programs offered inspire teamwork, a common goal, and a social connection that forms meaningful relationships in our community with those outside our close circle of friends. Read More...

FOCUS Talk 06.08.2023 Issue 79
The unique quality of dance as a competitive sport that stands out over many others is the fact that it offers both group and individual competition opportunities in one and is also considered an art form. Regardless of what form of competitive sports a youth chooses, the positive effects are endless. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 5.25.2023 Issue 78
Often, dance students feel as though they tried so hard, yet didn’t get the accolades or success they were expecting for their efforts. Also, when unsuccessful, we can feel overwhelmed and or lose interest, but attribute it to being too easy. Read More...

FOCUS Talk 5.11.2023 Issue 77
It is common knowledge that small businesses are the backbone of America, and a huge support to the communities in which they reside. Read More...

FOCUS Talk 4.29.2023 Issue 76
Dancing makes you smarter - mental acuity and the benefits of dancing. We often think of dance as a great physical activity for kids and adults, that improves our physical health, and is a great social benefit. Read More...

FOCUS Talk 4.14.2023 Issue 75
Summer months are just around the corner, and school is almost out. Hooray! Summer is the time of year we all look forward to taking a much-needed break from our normal routine and use our summer as an opportunity to vacation and relax. Read More...

FOCUS Talk 3.30.2023 Issue 74
What is Active Learning through Dance and Fitness? Active Learning is the very fundamental component of the class structure and process used in teaching Dance and Fitness. Read More...

FOCUS Talk 3.16.2023 Issue 73
As we rise to monumental challenges put before us, we also bare witness to the magical and additional multi-faceted benefits the valued arts enrichment of dance and fitness brings to us all. Read More...

FOCUS Talk 3.02.2023 Issue 72
Not only is Tap Dancing fun and creates a great social environment that appeals to all ages from kids, youth, adults to seniors, but it is also an easy dance style to learn that quickly improves ones’ fitness and overall health in a short period of time. Read More...

FOCUS Talk 2.16.2023 Issue 71
People build bonds with others in their community when they join a dance studio. The programs offered inspire teamwork, a common goal, and a social connection that forms meaningful relationships in our community with those outside our close circle of friends. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 2.2.2023 Issue 70
Pre-school programs offer unique opportunities to children up to 5 years of age, including: Socialization, exposure to diversity, brain and body coordination, healthy mind and body, and introduction to academics in a fun and creative way. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 1.20.2023 Issue 69
Whether the plan is to become a professional dancer, a pilates instructor, run a dance program at a university, or become a doctor, lawyer, scientist etc., emotional and confidence development is key to any type of career, and dance and fitness helps to develop those skills. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 1.5.2023 Issue 68
Here we go again, another year and we are ready to set down some resolutions to help us improve our health and happiness. So, what can we do to ensure our new ambitious goals become part of our routine for the full year. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 12.15.2022 Issue 67
At this special time of year, we become more aware of giving, especially as we gather with family and friends to show our love and appreciation with a special gift to each other. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 12.1.2022 Issue 66
Dance is not just “kick ball change” but a multi-layered support system for mental, emotional, psychological, and physical health. This support is accomplished by the very structure of the program and the methods used to communicate and accomplish the exercises. This method creates a discipline that is then used in all aspects of one’s life. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 10.28.2022 Issue 64
One of the biggest insights realized from the lasting effects from the pandemic is just how important small businesses are to the backbone of a community. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 10.13.2022 Issue 63
Monday, October 10th was Mental Health Day, so it seems only fitting to speak on a topic about dance, mental health and brain function. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 09.29.2022 Issue 62
In these times of heightened inclusivity awareness, the art of dance is the ultimate inclusivity! Dance programs are based in a type of creativity, and teamwork, that embraces and celebrates the unique style of each person... Read more...

FOCUS Talk 09.16.2022 Issue 61
Athletic clothing for sports and dance helps prevent injuries, improve breathability, keep your muscles warm, wick away sweat, protect you from the elements and fuel your fitness mentality. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 09.01.2022 Issue 60
A successful college application has many elements needed to be effective, many we are aware of, including but not limited to... Read more...

FOCUS Talk 08.18.2022 Issue 59
Sports and dance are great examples of goal setting and the results from them are not only that they help one achieve success in physical activities but also help to give us the mental skills that can then be applied throughout one’s lifetime in work, family, friendships, and love. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 08.04.2022 Issue 58
If you and or your kids did take off dance and fitness for the summer, and you’re getting ready to get back to work and school, it’s time to get back to dance and fitness too! Read more...

FOCUS Talk 06.30.2022 Issue 57
Our hearts beat Red, White and Blue! From FOCUS Family to all of you, we wish you a Happy & Safe Fourth of July! Read more...

FOCUS Talk 06.16.2022 Issue 56
First, it is important to clarify there are many group sports from soccer, basketball, baseball, football, etc. But competitive group sports also include dance as well. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 06.02.2022 Issue 55
Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines an athlete as: a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 05.19.2022 Issue 54
It is no secret that there are many parents who understand and value the many benefits of dance and fitness bring to their children. Parents are often seen selflessly providing this opportunity to their child through dance, often unaware of the secret health and wellness it offers to the parents as well! Read more...

FOCUS Talk 05.06.2022 Issue 53
Let’s face it, as parents we want our children to succeed, however you define success. And let’s all agree we want to make sure they are best equipped to achieve their goal. Believe it or not, dance classes can help your child develop work and learning skills that will help set up your child for success for their entire life. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 04.21.2022 Issue 52
There are times as a choreographer when creating a piece of choreography can have an even greater lasting impact than could have been imagined. One of those such dances for me was “High Hopes”. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 04.08.2022 Issue 51
“Ballare.” It’s Italian which means “to dance.” And it is in Italy where the history of ballet begins. Terms such as “ballet” and “ball” originates from the word “ballare.” Ballet's origin can be traced to the Italian Renaissance, where it was just a mere court entertainment.... Read more...

FOCUS Talk 3.24.2022 Issue 50
I believe for me the motivation began at age five when I was always dancing to music and found the connection of the two filled me up with such glee that I was forever changed! My wonderful parents recognized my love for dance and immediately signed me up for dance classes! Read more...

FOCUS Talk 3.10.2022 Issue 49
Inclusivity is a hot topic with many having very specific views on the subject. And how we move forward to ensure all are accepted, and welcomed. For me, inclusivity is and has always been synonymous with the art of dance, when the dancer is truly pure of heart and fully embraces the magical connection of movement/rhythm to their heart... Read more...

FOCUS Talk 2.17.2022 Issue 48
Stretching. It is definitely one of those things easily overlooked when it comes to working out. It’s very easy to brush it off. May be your schedule is too tight or maybe it’s because you don’t “see” the results of stretching that you don’t take it seriously enough. Knowing the benefits of stretching can help you better understand why Read more...

FOCUS Talk 2.3.2022 Issue 47
We're proud to introduce our very own blog! On our blog we'll be sharing relevant issues that's all dance, fitness and living the best life. We hope you enjoy and we welcome any feedback. As the saying goes, “Every cloud has a silver lining”, and wow does that ring true in a way we could have never imagined during this pandemic. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 1.20.2022 Issue 46
As we navigate through the ebb and flow of this pandemic, FOCUS continues to work to provide a safe place for our students. The mental and physical wellness of our FOCUS family, staff and students, is our utmost importance. We are FOCUS because of FOCUS family. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 1.6.2022 Issue 45
Bring a friend* to class as a drop-in** and enter the drawing to win an IPod Touch. Enter as many times as you wish, just bring a friend and introduce them to the wonderful world of dance! Entrance to contest end February 28th, 2022. Drawing date to be announced. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 12.16.2021 Issue 44
Our heartfelt gratitude and best wishes for a safe and magical Holiday Season and New Year go out to all our FOCUS Families! Your generous and consistent enrollment during this pandemic has and continues to give us the support we need to conquer the challenges as the pandemic ebbs and flows. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 12.3.2021 Issue 43
We're very excited to provide a peek into our hard-working and talented students' progress to celebrate this festive season. For the safety and protection of our students and family, Winter Wonderland Showcase will be presented via Zoom. Our students will perform in studio and their family will be invited to enjoy via Zoom. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 11.18.2021 Issue 42
It's that time of the year and time is running out...Make FOCUS Dance Center and The FIT @FDC your One-Stop-Shop for the dancer(s) and workout friend (s) in your life. At FOCUS, we offer a wide range of dance and fitness classes for all ages and all the necessary clothing and accessories at The FIT @FDC. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 11.4.2021 Issue 41
It's that time of the year and time is running out...Make FOCUS Dance Center and The FIT @FDC your One-Stop-Shop for the dancer(s) and workout friend (s) in your life. At FOCUS, we offer a wide range of dance and fitness classes for all ages and all the necessary clothing and accessories at The FIT @FDC. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 10.15.2021 Issue 40
Find Your Dancer Within... Drop-in and experience many styles of dance offered at FOCUS Dance Center. Focused on mind and body wellness and health, to develop self-confidence, teamwork, and a passion for the arts, the team at FOCUS always strives for bringing out the greatest potential living Read more...

FOCUS Talk 10.1.2021 Issue 39
Dancing will teach skills in the art form that teaches grace, coordination, musicality, confidence, teamwork, performance, and life-long friendships. Your choice of dance styles such as Ballet, Hip Hop, Jazz, Jazz/Funk, Musical Theatre, Contemporary, Lyrical, Tap, Kpop, and Fitness classes are available at all levels. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 9.17.2021 Issue 38
After-school programs should provide activities that are fun and that capture the interest of students. Dancing will teach skills in the art form that teaches grace, coordination, musicality, confidence, teamwork, performance, and life-long friendships. Read more...

FOCUS Talk 9.3.2021 Issue 37
The anticipation is great for the Refreshed Season 19, filled with inspiration, and the physical and mental wellness of dance and fitness. Talented NEW and RETURNING instructors are ready to inspire and challenge with a customized artistic and technical touch. Read more...