What is the True Gift of Giving?

At this special time of year, we become more aware of giving, especially as we gather with family and friends to show our love and appreciation with a special gift to each other. Finding that meaningful gift that shows our gratitude to those we love and care about can become quite daunting as we spend…

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Dance Improves School and Work Performance!

Want to improve Schoolwork and work performance? Join a dance class! Dance is not just “kick ball change” but a multi-layered support system for mental, emotional, psychological, and physical health. This support is accomplished by the very structure of the program and the methods used to communicate and accomplish the exercises. This method creates a…

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It’s All About How You Do It!

This can hold true for many things in life, but definitely when pursuing a physical activity such as dance and fitness. Often, dance students feel as though they tried so hard, yet didn’t get the accolades or success they were expecting for their efforts. Also, when unsuccessful, we can feel overwhelmed and or lose interest,…

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How to Truly Support a Small Business

One of the biggest insights realized from the lasting effects from the pandemic is just how important small businesses are to the backbone of a community. Many small business’ owners invest in the community by owning and or leasing within the community, offering services close to neighborhoods which create less traffic and pollution, and supports…

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Dance and Brain Function

Monday, October 10th was Mental Health Day, so it seems only fitting to speak on a topic about dance, mental health and brain function. Researchers are finding that as they study humans not just in modern times, but even dating back millions of years ago, our brains and bodies may have evolved to need exercise…

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What Do Setting Goals Do for Us?

Many have done research on goal setting through the ages and have found when setting goals, you will have more: Clarity Motivation Confidence FOCUS Purpose Sense of accomplishment Charisma Time management skills Energy Happiness To name just a few… Sports and dance are great examples of goal setting and the results from them are not…

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Is Your Dance and Fitness Workout Routine on a Yo-Yo Diet?

If you and or your kids did take off dance and fitness for the summer, and you’re getting ready to get back to work and school, it’s time to get back to dance and fitness too! However, one of the positive realizations that has come from the pandemic is how dance and fitness help us…

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The Positive Effects of Youth Competitive Sports

First, it is important to clarify there are many group sports from soccer, basketball, baseball, football, etc. But competitive group sports also include dance as well. The unique quality of dance as a competitive sport that stands out over many others is the fact that it offers both group and individual competition opportunities in one…

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Dancers are Athletes?

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines an athlete as: a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina. Status Quo When you think about athletes, the first things that come to mind are those athletes you see on TV playing basketball, football, soccer, track, tennis, the list goes on. You…

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Benefits of Dance for Children in All Areas of Life

We all have different reasons why we enroll children in dance classes—for the health benefits, to expand their creativity, or simply because they love the art of dance. No matter what background or level of experience, one has much to gain from the art of dance. Dancing helps to develop new skills, get physically active,…

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